ranks count how long you take 1 sec = -8 points yeah and more bug fixes and others next update/new demo/build

Mobile and PC:

AD/arrow keys/ move your finger left or right = move

Q/E = go faster

C = T A U N T

Also my own engine is called “The Noobie Engine”

Up arrow/ W /swipe your finger up = High Jump

Space = Small Jump

And credits

(Mainly Pizza Tower Devs)

I would like to order a pizza from uhh funny guy. Also, I would like to express my gratitude to the epic funny guy @rfisna  for creating the ranking system also the new noob sprite Thank you (he is Epik part of dev team)


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hold c

hold x


i exist cuz im doggoninja i think i really think this game is too sus tbh

can't even enter the level

did you press the red button? Or…did you press up? Up doesn’t work rn so just look in the top corners and click the red button.


i guess cool,but theres stil bugs tho.like BİG bugs.but i guess you can make this better!

kul demo

(1 edit)

YUP I do know there is a lot a bugs. I am working hard to fix the crashes and other bugs. The scratch ver is less buggy (or play the 2023 demo) so you should play that instead don’t have a link rn just look up “Noob Factory” and click the blog demo one anyway thanks!


hi me doggoninja on fucking discord




Trying to fix the crashes! Idk why it’s doing that will fix thanks for playing!